Data for solar system - FOR 1.st day of June 2015 at 00:00:00.0000 CT - origin is SUN center (courtesy of JPL HORIZONS). 
This project is kind of playground if you want to add some object or objects to solar system (real or some object you design). 
  • do not change default gravitational constant (for any project whixh includes JPL HORIZON data) - all masses defined are in relation with default G (calculated from GM constants) 
  • save downloaded project in the folder where SOLAR SYSTEM textures are located 
  • satellites are not included in project (except Moon)
Data for solar system with Juno spaceship. Timestamp is 2015.July.14 at 00:00:00.0000 CT - origin is SUN center.
An example showing Pluto, Charon and New Horizons (spaceship) trajectory as spaceship passes Pluto.
However, if the project is used together with jet impulse program example the New Horizons will enter the Pluto orbit.
Jet impulse program parameters are unrealistic (impossible) for any existing rocket engine.
Data for solar system with rocket/spaceship example. Timestamp is 2015.May.01 at 00:00:00.0000 CT - origin is SUN center.
The spaceship is launched form Earth surface. After few jet impulse maneuvers (very inefficient) it is locked in stable Moon orbit.
After some time spent in the Moon orbit the spaceship returns to Earth.
The rocket propulsion equation test project.
Jet engine is started at t=10 seconds and duration is 120 seconds. According to rocket propulsion equation the result for velocity gained is 736.373719 m/s.
Gravity Nu result is 736.373657 m/s at t= 130 seconds (when engine shuts down).

Equation is : dV = Ve × LN[ M / (M - qt) ] where
initial mass of rocket : M = 30 000 kg
fuel consumption : q = 50 kg/s
exaust velocity : Ve = 3,300 m/s
and duration of thrust : t = 120 s.

Equation source : http://www.braeunig.us/space/propuls.htm